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               Internal structure of human ear
The ear,
We hear sounds through our ear.Human ear are consist of three part ;Outer ear,Middle ear and inner ear
Outer ear,
The outer ear are consist of a pinna and a long narrow tube called ear cannal.The pinna collect sound waves from the ear around.
Middle ear,
the outer ear are is connected to the middle ear by the thin membran called the ear drum.The eardrum vibrates when sound waves strike it.On the other side of the ear eardrum is the middle ear are which is filled with ear.It has three small bones in the body, i.e.Hammer,anviland stirru.
Inner ear,
The last part of the ear is the inner ear.The inner ear is filled with a liquid.This part of ear has a coiled structure called cochlea.The cochlea is the actual hearing organ.The cochlea sends signals of the brain through a special nerve called auditory nerve.